WorkID |
Unique identifier for the work |
Title |
Common title for the work (e.g., “Hamlet”) |
LongTitle |
Full title (e.g., “Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”) |
Date |
Approximate date of composition |
GenreType |
c=comedy, t=tragedy, h=history, p=poem or sonnets |
Notes |
A brief description of the work |
Source |
The provenance of the original text |
TotalWords |
Aggregate number of words in the work |
TotalParagraphs |
Aggregate number of paragraphs in the work |
WorkID |
From “Works” table |
SectionID |
Unique identifier for the section |
Section |
Section number (a.k.a. “Act” in the plays) |
Description |
Describes the section |
WorkID |
From “Works” table |
ChapterID |
Unique identifier for the chapter |
Section |
Section (“Act”) number |
Chapter |
Chapter number (a.k.a. “Scene” in the plays) |
Description |
Usually shows the setting for a play’s scene |
WorkID |
From “Works” table |
ParagraphID |
Unique identifier for the paragraphs |
ParagraphNum |
The line number that begins the work |
CharID |
From “Characters” table, specifies who spoke the paragraph |
PlainText |
The natural English-language rendering of a line, including punctuation |
PhoneticText |
Contains the phonetic values of each word, no punctuation |
StemText |
Contains the stemmed values of each word, no punctuation |
ParagraphType |
Unused |
Section |
Section number (should exist in Sections table) |
Chapter |
Chapter number (should exist in Chapter table) |
CharCount |
The number of letters, numbers, punctuation marks, etc. |
WordCount |
The number of words |
CharID |
Unique identifier for each character |
CharName |
The displayed name for the character (e.g., “Mistress Quickly”) |
Abbrev |
The abbreviated name found in the original texts (e.g., “Quickly”) |
Works |
A comma-delimited hash of the WorkIDs in which this character appears |
Description |
Answers the question, “Who is this person?” |
SpeechCount |
The number of spoken paragraphs this person has in all plays |
WordFormID |
Unique identifier for each word form |
PlainText |
The natural English-language rendering of a word, in lowercase |
PhoneticText |
The phonetic value of this word form |
StemText |
The stemmed value of this word form |
Occurences |
Number of times this word form appears in all works |