Scenes (26 total)
- Scene 1. Pentapolis. An open place by the sea-side.
- Scene 2. The same. A public way or platform leading to the
- Scene 3. The same. A hall of state: a banquet prepared.
- Scene 4. Tyre. A room in the Governor’s house.
- Scene 5. Pentapolis. A room in the palace.
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Characters (46 total)
Click on a name to see all of that character's speeches
- All
- Antiochus, king of Antioch
- Bawd
- Both
- Boult, Pandar's servant
- Cerimon, a lord of Ephesus
- Cleon, governor of Tarsus
- Daughter of Antiochus
- Diana
- Dionyza, wife to Cleon
- Escanes, a lord of Tyre
- First Fisherman
- First Gentleman
- First Knight
- First Lord
- First Pirate
- First Sailor
- First Servant
- Gower, as chorus
- Helicanus, a lord of Tyre
- Knights
- Leonine, servant to Dionyza
- Lord
- Lychorida, nurse to Marina
- Lysimachus, governor of Mytilene
- Marina, daughter to Pericles and Thaisa
- Marshal
- Messenger
- Pandar
- Pericles, prince of Tyre
- Philemon, servant to Cerimon
- Second Fisherman
- Second Gentleman
- Second Knight
- Second Lord
- Second Pirate
- Second Sailor
- Servant
- Simonides, king of Pentapolis
- Thaisa, daughter to Simonides
- Thaliard, a lord of Antioch
- Third Fisherman
- Third Knight
- Third Lord
- Third Pirate
- Tyrian Sailor