Scenes (14 total)
- Scene 1. Rome. Before the Palace.
- Scene 2. A forest near Rome. Horns and cry of hounds heard.
- Scene 3. A lonely part of the forest.
- Scene 4. Another part of the forest.
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Characters (30 total)
Click on a name to see all of that character's speeches
- Aaron, a Moor, beloved by Tamora
- Aemilius, a noble Roman
- Alarbus, son to Tamora
- All
- All the Goths
- Bassianus, brother to Saturninus; in love with Lavinia
- Caius, kinsman to Titus
- Captain
- Chiron, son to Tamora
- Clown
- Demetrius, son to Tamora
- First Goth
- Lavinia
- Lucius, son to Titus Andronicus
- Marcus Andronicus, tribune of the people, and brother to Titus
- Martius, son to Titus Andronicus
- Messenger
- Mutius, son to Titus Andronicus
- Nurse
- Publius, son to Marcus the Tribune
- Quintus, son to Titus Andronicus
- Saturninus, son to the late Emperor of Rome, and afterwards
declared Emperor
- Second Goth
- Sempronius, kinsman to Titus
- Tamora
- Third Goth
- Titus Andronicus, a noble Roman, general against the Goths.
- Tribunes
- Valentine, kinsman to Titus
- Young Lucius, son to Lucius