Word frequency
Top 15 word forms, by frequency of occurence
28,944 |
the |
27,317 |
and |
21,120 |
i |
20,136 |
to |
17,181 |
of |
14,945 |
a |
13,989 |
you |
12,949 |
my |
11,513 |
in |
11,488 |
that |
9,545 |
is |
8,855 |
not |
8,293 |
with |
8,043 |
me |
8,003 |
it |
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Biggest roles
Top 15 characters, by number of speeches
471 |
Falstaff |
409 |
Richard III (Duke of Gloucester) |
377 |
Henry V |
358 |
Hamlet |
274 |
Othello |
272 |
Iago |
253 |
Antony |
210 |
Timon |
204 |
Cleopatra |
201 |
Rosalind |
194 |
Brutus |
194 |
Vincentio |
189 |
Coriolanus |
188 |
Lear |
183 |
Henry VI |
See all the characters