Speeches (Lines) for Marina in "Pericles"
Total: 63
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Act, Scene, Line
(Click to see in context) |
Speech text |
1 |
IV,1,1561 |
(stage directions). [Enter MARINA, with a basket of flowers]
Marina. No, I will rob Tellus of her weed,
To strew thy green with flowers: the yellows, blues,
The purple violets, and marigolds,
Shall as a carpet hang upon thy grave,
While summer-days do last. Ay me! poor maid,
Born in a tempest, when my mother died,
This world to me is like a lasting storm,
Whirring me from my friends.
2 |
IV,1,1578 |
Dionyza. How now, Marina! why do you keep alone?
How chance my daughter is not with you? Do not
Consume your blood with sorrowing: you have
A nurse of me. Lord, how your favour's changed
With this unprofitable woe!
Come, give me your flowers, ere the sea mar it.
Walk with Leonine; the air is quick there,
And it pierces and sharpens the stomach. Come,
Leonine, take her by the arm, walk with her.
Marina. No, I pray you;
I'll not bereave you of your servant.
3 |
IV,1,1592 |
Dionyza. Come, come;
I love the king your father, and yourself,
With more than foreign heart. We every day
Expect him here: when he shall come and find
Our paragon to all reports thus blasted,
He will repent the breadth of his great voyage;
Blame both my lord and me, that we have taken
No care to your best courses. Go, I pray you,
Walk, and be cheerful once again; reserve
That excellent complexion, which did steal
The eyes of young and old. Care not for me
I can go home alone.
Marina. Well, I will go;
But yet I have no desire to it.
4 |
IV,1,1601 |
Dionyza. I'll leave you, my sweet lady, for a while:
Pray, walk softly, do not heat your blood:
What! I must have a care of you.
Marina. My thanks, sweet madam.
Is this wind westerly that blows?
5 |
IV,1,1605 |
Leonine. South-west.
Marina. When I was born, the wind was north.
6 |
IV,1,1607 |
Leonine. Was't so?
Marina. My father, as nurse said, did never fear,
But cried 'Good seaman!' to the sailors, galling
His kingly hands, haling ropes;
And, clasping to the mast, endured a sea
That almost burst the deck.
7 |
IV,1,1613 |
Leonine. When was this?
Marina. When I was born:
Never was waves nor wind more violent;
And from the ladder-tackle washes off
A canvas-climber. 'Ha!' says one, 'wilt out?'
And with a dropping industry they skip
From stem to stern: the boatswain whistles, and
The master calls, and trebles their confusion.
8 |
IV,1,1621 |
Leonine. Come, say your prayers.
Marina. What mean you?
9 |
IV,1,1626 |
Leonine. If you require a little space for prayer,
I grant it: pray; but be not tedious,
For the gods are quick of ear, and I am sworn
To do my work with haste.
Marina. Why will you kill me?
10 |
IV,1,1628 |
Leonine. To satisfy my lady.
Marina. Why would she have me kill'd?
Now, as I can remember, by my troth,
I never did her hurt in all my life:
I never spake bad word, nor did ill turn
To any living creature: believe me, la,
I never kill'd a mouse, nor hurt a fly:
I trod upon a worm against my will,
But I wept for it. How have I offended,
Wherein my death might yield her any profit,
Or my life imply her any danger?
11 |
IV,1,1640 |
Leonine. My commission
Is not to reason of the deed, but do it.
Marina. You will not do't for all the world, I hope.
You are well favour'd, and your looks foreshow
You have a gentle heart. I saw you lately,
When you caught hurt in parting two that fought:
Good sooth, it show'd well in you: do so now:
Your lady seeks my life; come you between,
And save poor me, the weaker.
12 |
IV,2,1730 |
(stage directions). [Exit]
Marina. Alack that Leonine was so slack, so slow!
He should have struck, not spoke; or that these pirates,
Not enough barbarous, had not o'erboard thrown me
For to seek my mother!
13 |
IV,2,1735 |
Bawd. Why lament you, pretty one?
Marina. That I am pretty.
14 |
IV,2,1737 |
Bawd. Come, the gods have done their part in you.
Marina. I accuse them not.
15 |
IV,2,1739 |
Bawd. You are light into my hands, where you are like to live.
Marina. The more my fault
To scape his hands where I was like to die.
16 |
IV,2,1742 |
Bawd. Ay, and you shall live in pleasure.
Marina. No.
17 |
IV,2,1746 |
Bawd. Yes, indeed shall you, and taste gentlemen of all
fashions: you shall fare well; you shall have the
difference of all complexions. What! do you stop your ears?
Marina. Are you a woman?
18 |
IV,2,1748 |
Bawd. What would you have me be, an I be not a woman?
Marina. An honest woman, or not a woman.
19 |
IV,2,1753 |
Bawd. Marry, whip thee, gosling: I think I shall have
something to do with you. Come, you're a young
foolish sapling, and must be bowed as I would have
Marina. The gods defend me!
20 |
IV,2,1787 |
Bawd. [To MARINA] Pray you, come hither awhile. You
have fortunes coming upon you. Mark me: you must
seem to do that fearfully which you commit
willingly, despise profit where you have most gain.
To weep that you live as ye do makes pity in your
lovers: seldom but that pity begets you a good
opinion, and that opinion a mere profit.
Marina. I understand you not.
21 |
IV,2,1809 |
Bawd. Come your ways; follow me.
Marina. If fires be hot, knives sharp, or waters deep,
Untied I still my virgin knot will keep.
Diana, aid my purpose!
22 |
IV,6,1995 |
Bawd. [To MARINA] First, I would have you note, this is
an honourable man.
Marina. I desire to find him so, that I may worthily note him.
23 |
IV,6,1998 |
Bawd. Next, he's the governor of this country, and a man
whom I am bound to.
Marina. If he govern the country, you are bound to him
indeed; but how honourable he is in that, I know not.
24 |
IV,6,2002 |
Bawd. Pray you, without any more virginal fencing, will
you use him kindly? He will line your apron with gold.
Marina. What he will do graciously, I will thankfully receive.
25 |
IV,6,2009 |
Lysimachus. Now, pretty one, how long have you been at this trade?
Marina. What trade, sir?
26 |
IV,6,2011 |
Lysimachus. Why, I cannot name't but I shall offend.
Marina. I cannot be offended with my trade. Please you to name it.
27 |
IV,6,2013 |
Lysimachus. How long have you been of this profession?
Marina. E'er since I can remember.
28 |
IV,6,2016 |
Lysimachus. Did you go to 't so young? Were you a gamester at
five or at seven?
Marina. Earlier too, sir, if now I be one.
29 |
IV,6,2019 |
Lysimachus. Why, the house you dwell in proclaims you to be a
creature of sale.
Marina. Do you know this house to be a place of such resort,
and will come into 't? I hear say you are of
honourable parts, and are the governor of this place.
30 |
IV,6,2023 |
Lysimachus. Why, hath your principal made known unto you who I am?
Marina. Who is my principal?
31 |
IV,6,2031 |
Lysimachus. Why, your herb-woman; she that sets seeds and roots
of shame and iniquity. O, you have heard something
of my power, and so stand aloof for more serious
wooing. But I protest to thee, pretty one, my
authority shall not see thee, or else look friendly
upon thee. Come, bring me to some private place:
come, come.
Marina. If you were born to honour, show it now;
If put upon you, make the judgment good
That thought you worthy of it.
32 |
IV,6,2035 |
Lysimachus. How's this? how's this? Some more; be sage.
Marina. For me,
That am a maid, though most ungentle fortune
Have placed me in this sty, where, since I came,
Diseases have been sold dearer than physic,
O, that the gods
Would set me free from this unhallow'd place,
Though they did change me to the meanest bird
That flies i' the purer air!
33 |
IV,6,2049 |
Lysimachus. I did not think
Thou couldst have spoke so well; ne'er dream'd thou couldst.
Had I brought hither a corrupted mind,
Thy speech had alter'd it. Hold, here's gold for thee:
Persever in that clear way thou goest,
And the gods strengthen thee!
Marina. The good gods preserve you!
34 |
IV,6,2070 |
Boult. How's this? We must take another course with you.
If your peevish chastity, which is not worth a
breakfast in the cheapest country under the cope,
shall undo a whole household, let me be gelded like
a spaniel. Come your ways.
Marina. Whither would you have me?
35 |
IV,6,2089 |
Boult. An if she were a thornier piece of ground than she
is, she shall be ploughed.
Marina. Hark, hark, you gods!
36 |
IV,6,2096 |
Boult. Come, mistress; come your ways with me.
Marina. Whither wilt thou have me?
37 |
IV,6,2098 |
Boult. To take from you the jewel you hold so dear.
Marina. Prithee, tell me one thing first.
38 |
IV,6,2100 |
Boult. Come now, your one thing.
Marina. What canst thou wish thine enemy to be?
39 |
IV,6,2102 |
Boult. Why, I could wish him to be my master, or rather, my mistress.
Marina. Neither of these are so bad as thou art,
Since they do better thee in their command.
Thou hold'st a place, for which the pained'st fiend
Of hell would not in reputation change:
Thou art the damned doorkeeper to every
Coistrel that comes inquiring for his Tib;
To the choleric fisting of every rogue
Thy ear is liable; thy food is such
As hath been belch'd on by infected lungs.
40 |
IV,6,2115 |
Boult. What would you have me do? go to the wars, would
you? where a man may serve seven years for the loss
of a leg, and have not money enough in the end to
buy him a wooden one?
Marina. Do any thing but this thou doest. Empty
OLD receptacles, or common shores, of filth;
Serve by indenture to the common hangman:
Any of these ways are yet better than this;
For what thou professest, a baboon, could he speak,
Would own a name too dear. O, that the gods
Would safely deliver me from this place!
Here, here's gold for thee.
If that thy master would gain by thee,
Proclaim that I can sing, weave, sew, and dance,
With other virtues, which I'll keep from boast:
And I will undertake all these to teach.
I doubt not but this populous city will
Yield many scholars.
41 |
IV,6,2130 |
Boult. But can you teach all this you speak of?
Marina. Prove that I cannot, take me home again,
And prostitute me to the basest groom
That doth frequent your house.
42 |
IV,6,2135 |
Boult. Well, I will see what I can do for thee: if I can
place thee, I will.
Marina. But amongst honest women.
43 |
V,1,2265 |
Lysimachus. She's such a one, that, were I well assured
Came of a gentle kind and noble stock,
I'ld wish no better choice, and think me rarely wed.
Fair one, all goodness that consists in bounty
Expect even here, where is a kingly patient:
If that thy prosperous and artificial feat
Can draw him but to answer thee in aught,
Thy sacred physic shall receive such pay
As thy desires can wish.
Marina. Sir, I will use
My utmost skill in his recovery, Provided
That none but I and my companion maid
Be suffer'd to come near him.
44 |
V,1,2273 |
Lysimachus. Mark'd he your music?
Marina. No, nor look'd on us.
45 |
V,1,2275 |
Lysimachus. See, she will speak to him.
Marina. Hail, sir! my lord, lend ear.
46 |
V,1,2277 |
Pericles. Hum, ha!
Marina. I am a maid,
My lord, that ne'er before invited eyes,
But have been gazed on like a comet: she speaks,
My lord, that, may be, hath endured a grief
Might equal yours, if both were justly weigh'd.
Though wayward fortune did malign my state,
My derivation was from ancestors
Who stood equivalent with mighty kings:
But time hath rooted out my parentage,
And to the world and awkward casualties
Bound me in servitude.
I will desist;
But there is something glows upon my cheek,
And whispers in mine ear, 'Go not till he speak.'
47 |
V,1,2294 |
Pericles. My fortunes—parentage—good parentage—
To equal mine!—was it not thus? what say you?
Marina. I said, my lord, if you did know my parentage,
You would not do me violence.
48 |
V,1,2299 |
Pericles. I do think so. Pray you, turn your eyes upon me.
You are like something that—What country-woman?
Here of these shores?
Marina. No, nor of any shores:
Yet I was mortally brought forth, and am
No other than I appear.
49 |
V,1,2310 |
Pericles. I am great with woe, and shall deliver weeping.
My dearest wife was like this maid, and such a one
My daughter might have been: my queen's square brows;
Her stature to an inch; as wand-like straight;
As silver-voiced; her eyes as jewel-like
And cased as richly; in pace another Juno;
Who starves the ears she feeds, and makes them hungry,
The more she gives them speech. Where do you live?
Marina. Where I am but a stranger: from the deck
You may discern the place.
50 |
V,1,2315 |
Pericles. Where were you bred?
And how achieved you these endowments, which
You make more rich to owe?
Marina. If I should tell my history, it would seem
Like lies disdain'd in the reporting.
51 |
V,1,2328 |
Pericles. Prithee, speak:
Falseness cannot come from thee; for thou look'st
Modest as Justice, and thou seem'st a palace
For the crown'd Truth to dwell in: I will
believe thee,
And make my senses credit thy relation
To points that seem impossible; for thou look'st
Like one I loved indeed. What were thy friends?
Didst thou not say, when I did push thee back—
Which was when I perceived thee—that thou camest
From good descending?
Marina. So indeed I did.
52 |
V,1,2333 |
Pericles. Report thy parentage. I think thou said'st
Thou hadst been toss'd from wrong to injury,
And that thou thought'st thy griefs might equal mine,
If both were open'd.
Marina. Some such thing
I said, and said no more but what my thoughts
Did warrant me was likely.
53 |
V,1,2344 |
Pericles. Tell thy story;
If thine consider'd prove the thousandth part
Of my endurance, thou art a man, and I
Have suffer'd like a girl: yet thou dost look
Like Patience gazing on kings' graves, and smiling
Extremity out of act. What were thy friends?
How lost thou them? Thy name, my most kind virgin?
Recount, I do beseech thee: come, sit by me.
Marina. My name is Marina.
54 |
V,1,2348 |
Pericles. O, I am mock'd,
And thou by some incensed god sent hither
To make the world to laugh at me.
Marina. Patience, good sir,
Or here I'll cease.
55 |
V,1,2353 |
Pericles. Nay, I'll be patient.
Thou little know'st how thou dost startle me,
To call thyself Marina.
Marina. The name
Was given me by one that had some power,
My father, and a king.
56 |
V,1,2358 |
Pericles. How! a king's daughter?
And call'd Marina?
Marina. You said you would believe me;
But, not to be a troubler of your peace,
I will end here.
57 |
V,1,2365 |
Pericles. But are you flesh and blood?
Have you a working pulse? and are no fairy?
Motion! Well; speak on. Where were you born?
And wherefore call'd Marina?
Marina. Call'd Marina
For I was born at sea.
58 |
V,1,2368 |
Pericles. At sea! what mother?
Marina. My mother was the daughter of a king;
Who died the minute I was born,
As my good nurse Lychorida hath oft
Deliver'd weeping.
59 |
V,1,2379 |
Pericles. O, stop there a little!
This is the rarest dream that e'er dull sleep
Did mock sad fools withal: this cannot be:
My daughter's buried. Well: where were you bred?
I'll hear you more, to the bottom of your story,
And never interrupt you.
Marina. You scorn: believe me, 'twere best I did give o'er.
60 |
V,1,2383 |
Pericles. I will believe you by the syllable
Of what you shall deliver. Yet, give me leave:
How came you in these parts? where were you bred?
Marina. The king my father did in Tarsus leave me;
Till cruel Cleon, with his wicked wife,
Did seek to murder me: and having woo'd
A villain to attempt it, who having drawn to do't,
A crew of pirates came and rescued me;
Brought me to Mytilene. But, good sir,
Whither will you have me? Why do you weep?
It may be,
You think me an impostor: no, good faith;
I am the daughter to King Pericles,
If good King Pericles be.
61 |
V,1,2419 |
Pericles. O Helicanus, strike me, honour'd sir;
Give me a gash, put me to present pain;
Lest this great sea of joys rushing upon me
O'erbear the shores of my mortality,
And drown me with their sweetness. O, come hither,
Thou that beget'st him that did thee beget;
Thou that wast born at sea, buried at Tarsus,
And found at sea again! O Helicanus,
Down on thy knees, thank the holy gods as loud
As thunder threatens us: this is Marina.
What was thy mother's name? tell me but that,
For truth can never be confirm'd enough,
Though doubts did ever sleep.
Marina. First, sir, I pray,
What is your title?
62 |
V,1,2426 |
Pericles. I am Pericles of Tyre: but tell me now
My drown'd queen's name, as in the rest you said
Thou hast been godlike perfect,
The heir of kingdoms and another like
To Pericles thy father.
Marina. Is it no more to be your daughter than
To say my mother's name was Thaisa?
Thaisa was my mother, who did end
The minute I began.
63 |
V,3,2573 |
Pericles. This, this: no more, you gods! your present kindness
Makes my past miseries sports: you shall do well,
That on the touching of her lips I may
Melt and no more be seen. O, come, be buried
A second time within these arms.
Marina. My heart
Leaps to be gone into my mother's bosom.